The demand for legal services in the United States is strong. In fact, the nation is expected to add Sixty-Five Thousand new lawyers in the next seven years. While legal professionals are in demand, there is also fierce competition to attract new clients.

One of the most effective resources to draw new business is Google. This leaves many legal executives wondering how to get the firm’s website on a Google search’s first page.
Read on to learn more about SEO for law firms. SEO is a certain way to drive web traffic and grow your customer base.
1. Start a Blog
The first step to boosting web traffic is starting a legal blog. For starters, this is a place to show off your firm’s legal expertise. Here you can tackle complicated topics and give pro bono legal advice.
A legal blog is where you will execute Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. Publishing quality content, accompanied by SEO tactics, is a certain way to attract new clients.
2. Use Targeted Keywords
The algorithms that Google uses to rank websites rely heavily on keywords. Envision a scenario in which a prospective client is searching for divorce lawyers near Los Angeles.
Google then searches the web for hyperlinks including the keyword used by the client. Each blog post or webpage on your website should strategically use targeted keywords. In this case, write a blog post about hiring the best divorce lawyers near Los Angeles.
Start off by brainstorming targeted keywords that prospective clients are likely to use. There are tools like Google Keyword Planner that will help you research effective ones. Then generously incorporate these keywords into new blog posts.
3. Authority Anchors
Becoming a legal authority in your specialized field has SEO perks. By producing quality content and building a sterling reputation, online resources are certain to link to your website.
Some refer to this as a backlink. To get the ball rolling, you can pay legal directories a small sum to backlink to your page.
Another easy way to create backlinks is by registering with the Better Business Bureau. Some find success by offering small scholarships so that colleges backlink to your website.
4. Share on Social Media
Increased web traffic has a positive impact on your Google ranking. A proven method for driving traffic to your site is sharing content on social media.
For example, prospective clients may see a preview that says GLM believes a 5X return is required to grow your business. Then, they are redirected to your website when they click on an image or hyperlink.
There are a few different social media platforms that are effective for lawyers. Facebook has the most users and is best for attracting local business.
However, Millennials and Gen Z prefer video content over written articles. Social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram are video-friendly.
A Recap of SEO for Law Firms
SEO is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Steps like using targeted keywords are certain to improve your Google rating.
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